Share & Get Rewarded
Recommend ContractZen to someone you know and you both receive 6-month worth of credit.
Share & Get Rewarded

Simply enter your and your friend's details below and hit 'Submit'. (Remember, this awesome referral program is exclusively for our amazing existing paid customers!)
We'll whisk an email to your friend with a link to kickstart a 30-day free trial account. It's like sharing a secret key to digital organization nirvana!
As soon as your friend joins the ContractZen family based on your recommendation, it's a win-win! Your organization gets six (6) months of complimentary usage for one user (valued at the Standard license rate) and we'll sprinkle the same reward on your friend's organization too!
Both your accounts will be credited with a $50 / 50€ bonus. This means when your friend makes their first annual payment, they'll enjoy this cool discount.
This is our way of saying thanks for spreading the ContractZen magic!